
Success in an appeal regarding the non-placement a student of Ethiopian origin in a school

Home » news item » Success in an appeal regarding the non-placement a student of Ethiopian origin in a school

We received an urgent request from a mother who enrolled her minor son in one of the schools in the center of the country for the 7th grade, after, as part of the registration process, she was required to attend an interview at the school.

The mother said that during the interview she mourned in her heart the fear that her son’s origin would not be a stumbling block and a hindrance in the process of accepting him to school.

After the mother received a poor answer that her son “was not found acceptable for the school”, and this without any explanation being given that would explain why her son was not admitted to the same school. The mother of D’ tried to get an answer from the relevant authorities and ran into a wall in the form of disappointed and worried, she contacted Tebeka for legal assistance on the matter.

After the full review, an appeal was filed with the Ministry of Education on behalf of the parents, for D’s non-attendance without any reasonable explanation and emphasizing that the student indeed deserves to be admitted to that school. Happily, out quick involvement changed the decision and D׳ was indeed assigned to the school he requested. D׳ and his parents were grateful for the quick treatment and representation!

Article in Jerusalem Post: https://bit.ly/3X0U7mM

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